Dear Younger Me, Let’s Hold Our Loved Ones Close (Letter #2)

The following blog features a blend of letters written by residents of Givens Communities, who have chosen to remain anonymous, as part of the “Younger Me” summer internship project by Nehanshi Dani. Read more about her personal advice and reflections here.

Dear Younger Me,

I know your heart is carrying a lot of pain right now. Despite that, you’re still smiling. In our culture, we often say, “Meri Umar Bhi Lag Jaye Unhe” on someone’s birthday, which means “May my life be added to yours.” It’s a beautiful way of expressing how deeply we value the people we love. But growing up, it’s easy to overlook that our family members are aging too. They’re not just background characters in our lives—they’re growing older, just like us.

Our parents and grandparents, despite their wisdom, are also figuring out their lives as they go. They might make mistakes, but their intentions are always filled with love. We’re fortunate to have people who love us unconditionally, without any strings attached. When you find such people, hold onto them. Tell them you love them every day because you never know when you might not get the chance to say it again.

Losing those we love is like losing a piece of ourselves. So, take a moment right now. Reach out to the people you care about. Call them, text them, and tell them you love them. Life is too short to hold grudges or let ego come between you and those who matter most.

“Our first experiences of grief and loss can raise fear in us, and bring uncertainty about what lies ahead” 

Cherish every moment with your loved ones, because in the end, they are the ones who make life meaningful. They will be there for you in ways that no one else can, and when the time comes, they will be the ones who carry the most precious memories of you.

So don’t wait. Reach out, show your love, and make the most of every moment you have with them.

“Laughing with your parents is the most precious moment that you should always treasure”

With all my heart,

Your Older Self