Dear Younger Me, Let’s Embrace Uncertainty (Letter #1)

The following blog features a blend of letters written by residents of Givens Communities, who have chosen to remain anonymous, as part of the “Younger Me” summer internship project by Nehanshi Dani. Read more about her personal advice and reflections here.

Dear Younger Me,

I know you’re feeling scared and uncertain right now, unsure of what comes next even though you’ve spent so much time dreaming about a perfect life filled with goals, ambitions, family, and a home. It’s tough when you’ve imagined a clear path and suddenly find yourself at a crossroads, not knowing which direction to take or who to turn to for advice.

“You’ll never have it all figured out.” 

Here’s something important to remember. It’s okay not to have everything figured out. In fact, most people don’t. Many who seem like they have all the answers are either bluffing or are entrepreneurs trying to sell you their vision of success. The truth is, we’re all figuring it out as we go along.

So, don’t stress about having a perfect plan or impressing others. Life is unpredictable, and that’s part of what makes it exciting. Embrace the surprises and challenges as opportunities for growth. You don’t need to have all the answers right now. What matters most is staying true to yourself and being open to the journey, even when it feels difficult.

“Don’t worry so much – things will eventually turn out the way they are supposed to.”

Step out of your comfort zone, make mistakes, and learn from them. These experiences will shape you into a stronger, wiser person. Remember to speak up for yourself and recognize your worth, but also be gentle and kind to yourself. Prioritize self-care and cultivate healthy relationships. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.

Life is about finding joy in the present moment and appreciating the experiences and people who come your way. Keep seeking the positive, stay curious, and remember that growth is a lifelong process.

“Know that the current you is so proud of how far you have come.”

You’re doing just fine, and every step you take, even the uncertain ones, is part of your unique journey.


Future You