Dear Younger Me, Let’s Find the Everyday Magic (Letter #5)

The following blog features a blend of letters written by residents of Givens Communities, who have chosen to remain anonymous, as part of the “Younger Me” summer internship project by Nehanshi Dani. Read more about her personal advice and reflections here.

Dear Younger Me,

I hope this letter finds you surrounded by people who love you and whom you love in return. May your smile be as infectious as wildfire, spreading joy and warmth wherever you go. I hope your worries ease through the simple yet profound acts of kindness you offer to others and the courage you show in standing up for those in need.

There are a few important things I wish I could have shared with you earlier—lessons I’ve learned along the way that I believe will help you navigate life more gracefully.

First and foremost, understand the value of being kind to yourself.

Life is full of challenges, and it’s all too easy to become your own harshest critic. You’ll make mistakes, and there will be moments when you feel like you’re falling short. But remember this: your mistakes do not define you. Each stumble is merely a chance to learn and grow. You are not defined by your shortcomings but by how you rise above them.

Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a dear friend.

If you wouldn’t speak harshly to someone you care about, don’t speak that way to yourself. It’s okay to be imperfect. It’s okay to have days when you feel like you’re not enough. What truly matters is how you pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Be patient with yourself. Growth takes time, and your journey is uniquely your own.

Now, let’s talk about kindness towards others. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your own world and forget that everyone around you has their own struggles. A kind word, a simple gesture, or even just a smile can make a world of difference to someone who’s struggling. Empathy and understanding are powerful tools that can build strong connections and foster a supportive community around you.

One good deed can brighten someone’s day or even change their life.

Remember, everyone has their own set of challenges, and you can never fully know what someone else is experiencing. Your kindness doesn’t need to be grand or dramatic; often, the small, everyday acts of consideration and compassion are the most meaningful. When you extend kindness to others, you not only help them but also enrich your own life.

Being kind to yourself and others isn’t just about making the world a better place; it’s about creating a better version of yourself. When you treat yourself with gentleness, you’ll find that you have more energy and enthusiasm to be kind to others. This positive cycle will make your own life more fulfilling and positively impact those around you.

As you navigate life’s ups and downs, hold onto these principles. They will guide you through the tough times and help you appreciate the good ones. Trust yourself, be patient, and always lead with kindness. You can achieve incredible things, and by treating yourself and others with love and respect, your journey will become richer and more joyful.

You’re doing better than you think you are.

Keep moving forward with an open heart and a gentle spirit. Be the reason behind someone’s smile.

With all my love and support,

Older me.