Ageism Awareness Day: October 7, 2023


Aging is something all people share from the moment they are born, yet our culture places a lot of preconceived notions on age. Our culture often accepts that young age equals inexperience or old age equals limits – and this is stereotyping.

Age is common to all. How we move through life has an impact on our quality of life. How we view each other and make assumptions based on age is something we can all work to refine.

Ageism can permeate various aspects of society, leading to unfair treatment and disadvantages for individuals based solely on their age. Ageism can have a significant impact on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Let’s focus on the limitlessness of our lives rather than allowing age to define it.

Fun Fact: Did you know that our range of vision is limitless? We can see stars and planets with our naked eyes! It is the obstructions, like the curvature of the earth, that limit our view of the horizon when we stand at the ocean. Let us see people — as their whole self — without limiting them by their age.

For a fascinating and humorous discussion, watch Ashton Applewhite’s Ted Talk entitled Let’s End Ageism or visit The American Society on Aging to learn more.

My parting thoughts…

Be well. Be thankful. Eat your veggies. Be adventurous today. See those around you with limitless vision.


Sending you Healing Hugs,

Kimberly Bailey, RN, CHPN

Life Plan Community Nurse

[email protected]
