
A Journey Through Time: Launching the ‘Younger Me’ Series

Namaste, Givens Communities!

I’m Nehanshi Dani, and I’m so happy to be here with you for my LeadingAge Summer Internship with Givens Communities. These past ten weeks have been a life-changing experience. I’ve had the chance to not only learn from these experiences but to truly live them, seeing the spark in the eyes and hearing the rich stories shared by our residents.

With this blog, I’m excited to introduce the “Younger Me” project. This project is more than just a summer endeavor; it’s a treasure I will always cherish. I hope to share it with the people I meet in the future, my family, and those who might benefit from it now.

Thank you for being a part of this beautiful journey with me!

A Bit About Me

I come from a land where every region and religion celebrate its own unique festivals, a land that embraces the essence of diversity—Incredible India. Seven years ago, I embarked on a journey to the United States with nothing more than two bags, a heart full of dreams, and the blessings of my parents. I stepped into a world unknown, without family or friends, driven solely by my ambition and the desire to make a difference.

After ten weeks here, I’ve realized that this is exactly where I’m meant to be. Even if I move to different countries, cities, or states, my goal remains clear: to improve the lives of the elderly. No matter where I am in the world, this mission is close to my heart and will always guide me.

Why It Matters

My dad always used to say, “Experience is the best teacher, and those who learn from it will never fail the exams of this world.” As I walked down the hall from my guest room at Givens Estates to do laundry a few weeks ago, a spark of nostalgia took me back to my college dorm. That dorm was where friendships were made, lessons were learned, and dreams were planned. It was a place of failures and successes, filled with memories that shaped who we are.

After working hard and living out those dreams, we are back in a dorm-like setting once again, with new chances and fresh hopes. I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside team members and residents that live at Givens Estates, Givens Highland Farms, Givens Gerber Park and Givens Great Laurels, as well as the Givens Home First team. It has been about meeting new people, sharing experiences, and connecting with neighbors. My mom once told me that life is a series of circles, and standing here, I feel that truth. The only difference between those college dorm rooms and the apartments we live in now is the experience we’ve gained.

My Project

The “Younger Me” project is about writing a letter to your younger self. In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to get lost, and before we know it, we’re looking back from our 70s or 90s. While we can’t change the past or travel back in time, these letters offer a way to communicate with both our younger selves and the next generation. They remind us that it’s okay not to have everything figured out, to make mistakes, and to avoid regrets.

So, remind yourself to say, “I love you,” spend more time with loved ones, say “no” when needed, take time for yourself, read that book, jump in that creek, learn new recipes, dance, pet as many dogs as you can, and break a few rules. Because while our bodies may age, our hearts remain forever young.

The following blog posts will help you embark on a beautiful journey through the stories of residents from all four Givens Communities campuses. Most residents have preferred to remain anonymous. I hope you enjoy!

Dear Younger Me, Let’s Embrace Uncertainty (Letter #1)

Dear Younger Me, Let’s Hold Our Loved Ones Close (Letter #2)

Dear Younger Me, Let’s Nurture Tomorrow (Letter #3)

Dear Younger Me, Let’s Go From Aspirations to Realization (Letter #4)

Dear Younger Me, Let’s Find the Everyday Magic (Letter #5)

Closing Thoughts: Dear Younger Me, Let’s Embrace the Journey